Sunday, February 8, 2009

Let the Holy Spirit Work

Scripture: Acts 15:5
But some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, “It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.”

Paul and Barnabas are telling the people in Jerusalem about the conversion of the Gentiles. The church leaders decide they need to discuss what needs to be done with the Gentiles and what rules they need to follow. Eventually they finally agree to a few items that make everyone happy.

This shows me that when new believers come into the church, I should not expect them to know and follow the same rules that I do. I should not burden a person down with a list of Thou Shalt Not's. That would be the quickest way to run them right out of the church. Instead I should accept them. Allowing them time to learn the rules as the Holy Spirit directs. We are all on the same road in following Jesus, we are just at different places along the road. The things that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me as important in my life, may not be something that is important to someone else. It is OK for me to share what the Holy Spirit has shown me, but it is not OK for to expect others to conform to it and follow it. The Holy Spirit is much stronger and greater than I am and He will be the one to reveal what others need to know.

Dear Lord, Help me accept others and allow them to learn your truth at their pace as the Holy Spirit guides them. Help me not to judge them but to love and nurture them in their walk with you. In Jesus Name Amen.

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