Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Being Humble Before God

Scripture: Luke 14:11
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

I find it interesting that Jesus ate meals with the Pharisees. I have always thought that the Pharisees did not like Jesus company except to find fault with him. Maybe Jesus was using the opportunity to witness to some of them. Jesus is noticing how the guests are behaving at the dinner and tells them a parable about a wedding feast and taking the best place in the house. He ends by saying they should humble themselves and then they will be great.

The verse I chose triggered my memory of a song that I know called, Humble Thyself in the Sight of Lord. It got me to thinking about prayer and how I approach God. So what does it mean to be humble? The dictionary defines it as not proud or arrogant; modest. I don't consider myself to be a very good prayer person, I pray, but it seems I am missing something. It looks like God decided it was time I learned a lesson on prayer so here it goes...
Whenever I am communicating with God I should be humble. When I approach God in prayer, should I come to him with a list of wants & wishes or demand this or that? No, I should humble myself before God and realize my lowliness before Him. I don't have a right to demand or ask for anything. I should be thankful that He is even hearing me. Whenever I accomplish a task, who should get the glory? God, he gave me the ability to do it. I can't do anything without God's help. He is my creator and I am nothing. I have value only because God believes I am valuable. I am so fortunate that my creator desires to spend time with me and teach me his ways.
Thank You God!

Dear Lord thank you for showing me that I need to learn to be humble in prayer. Please forgive me for approaching you in such a thoughtless way. Thank you Father for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus Name Amen.

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