Saturday, January 31, 2009

Satan's Strategy #3 Deny God & Kill His Followers

Scripture: Acts 7:59-60
And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Stephen just gave the council members a history lesson that they couldn't argue with. The problem was when he talked about them personally, they couldn't handle the truth. They actually covered their ears and screamed to block it out. Then they stoned him and while he is dying he is asking the Lord to forgive them. Amazing!!

I have been in a few situations where I am conversing with someone or studying the Word and for some reason, the person will not accept what is being said to them. The conversation could be that the sky is blue, or in study, it could be clearly written in the Bible. Whatever the reasons the person is unwilling to look at or hear anything that may contradict their ideas or beliefs. They don't want to accept anything that may require them to make a change in their life. The evidence is as clear as the nose on your face, and they still can't see it! It's called DENIAL. When a person refuses to see what is clearly in view, they are in DENIAL. In some cases this is understandable, but in others such as following God, it is not. If we continually deny God and what He is trying to teach us, then He will deny us. I should continue to try and reach people even though others may not like it. Stephen didn't go and just start preaching to these councilmen, he was taken there. Those who persecute me for doing what is right, I should pray for and ask the Lord to forgive them.

Dear Lord, help me always accept Your council. Guide me and help me understand the lessons that You are trying to teach me. Give me the desire to pray for those who persecute me and to love those who hate me. In Jesus Name Amen.

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