Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jesus Comforts Me

Scripture: Luke 24:14-16
And they talked together of all these things which had happened. So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him.

The disciples have been told by the women that Jesus has risen. They don't believe it, but several are discussing it as they travel to Jerusalem. As they are walking a stranger joins in the conversation on the road to Jerusalem. They don't realize who it is because Jesus kept it from them. When they arrive at home they sit down to eat, Jesus breaks the bread and blesses it, just as He has always done before, and suddenly they realize who is with them.

I love this part of the story. It shows me that Jesus could appear as any person that I meet in life. Once in my teen years, I was working and I was having a very bad was awful in fact. It wasn't my job, it was my life that was keeping me upset. Anyway as I was working a stranger came up to me and spoke with me briefly. You know, those few moments made me feel like a new person. It was not a pep talk, it was heart talk. It was an awesome experience. I had never seen that person before or after that event. I always wondered if God had sent an angel to comfort me at that time. Now I wonder if it might not have been Jesus himself. I will never forget it!

Dear Lord thank you for loving me and caring enough to come and comfort me when I needed it most. Help me remember that when I need You, You'll be there. In Jesus Name Amen.

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